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Definition: generative NFT

A non-fungible token (NFT) that is created by an algorithm in a program that randomly selects and combines predesigned art layers. Generative NFTs are typically collections such as the famous CryptoPunks and Bored Ape offerings, which are unusual faces of people and apes. To develop these collections, numerous features and traits are created first. For example, there might be layers for hats, hair, eyes, nose and mouth, with dozens of samples created for each layer. The program combines them in a random manner so that the end result is always different and often very surprising.

The layers are created in Photoshop or other image editor program and carefully drawn to line up properly with each other (see layers). See NFT, CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club.

A Generative Mystery
Art Blocks is another variety of generative art NFT, whereby the buyer initially sees only a base image. After making a purchase, the final art is generated.

Generative vs. One-on-One
In contrast to generative art, there are countless NFTs that certify one and only one unique work of art or collectible.

A Generated Ape
Residing on the Ethereum blockchain, the Bored Ape NFTs are offered for sale on the OpenSea marketplace. See OpenSea. (Image courtesy of OpenSea and Bored Ape Yacht Club.)