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Definition: LCD vs. OLED

Following is a comparison of LCD (LED) TVs and OLED TVs. OLEDs began to make inroads after 2010, and LG, Samsung and Sony currently make most OLEDs.

Both TV technologies create a backlight that is beamed through color filters. However, whereas LCD TVs use white LEDs to create the backlight, OLED TVs generate their backlight by igniting yellow and blue layers to make white light. See flat panel TV, LCD, LED TV, OLED and OLED layers.

Wall Mounting
LCD sets tend to be heavier than OLED TVs and require a sturdy mounting.

The General Opinion
The consensus from showroom sales reps who watch TV day after day is that OLED offers the best and most natural image.

Bad Pixels, Image Retention and Burn-In
Stuck pixels on LCD panels show up as persistent, tiny pinpoints of light, which may be annoying. If found early on, manufacturers have been known to replace the set.

OLED TVs are subject to image retention and burn-in, which are faint images that remain on screen due to static material displayed for long periods such as channel logos. Image retention is temporary, but burn-in is permanent and occurs when the same content appears for hours on end, especially in the first days of use.

              LCD       OLED

  Glare       Maybe     Some
  Weight      Light     Lighter
  AC Power    Low       Low
  Colors      Rich      Richer
  Blacks      Good      Blacker
  Contrast    Good      Better
  View Angle  Fair      Excellent
  Speed       Fast      Fastest

Both TV technologies use backlights and color filters. LCD TVs use LED backlights, whereas OLEDs combine yellow and blue layers (or red, green and blue layers) to create the backlight. While LCD is voltage driven, OLED is current driven. See OLED layers.