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Definition: COBOL

(COmmon Business Oriented Language) A high-level programming language primarily used for business development on mainframes and minicomputers throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Officially adopted in 1960, COBOL was one of the first compiled languages in a world where assembly languages were the norm. See assembly language.

COBOL stemmed from FLOW-MATIC, the first programming language developed in the mid-1950s for the UNIVAC I by Grace Hopper, later Rear Admiral Hopper (see GH200). The Gartner Group estimated that at the turn of the century, more than 200 billion lines of COBOL code were in existence, and many COBOL programs are still running today. Changes to the code are difficult because COBOL programmers are few and far between. Nevertheless, the COBOL language has been updated periodically with new features, even as recently as 2023. See FLOW-MATIC and IBM COBOL.

COBOL is very wordy, but its verbosity makes it very readable. For example, the COBOL version of grosspay = hours*rate is multiply rate by hours giving grosspay (see COBOL fingers). COBOL is structured into the following divisions:

 Division Name    Contains
 IDENTIFICATION   Program identification.
 ENVIRONMENT      Types of computers used.
 DATA             Buffers, constants, work areas.
 PROCEDURE        The processing (program logic).

The following COBOL example for an IBM 370 mainframe converts a Fahrenheit number to Celsius. This example performs the operation at the operator's terminal.

  program-ID.  example.

  configuration section.

  working-storage section.
  77 FAHR  picture 999.
  77 CENT  picture 999.

  display 'Enter Fahrenheit ' upon console.
  accept FAHR from console.
  compute CENT = (FAHR- 32) * 5 / 9.
  display 'Celsius is ' CENT upon console.