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Definition: 8080

An Intel 8-bit CPU chip introduced in 1974. It was the successor to the first commercial 8-bit microprocessor (8008) and precursor to the x86 family. Addressing up to 64KB of memory, it contained 4,500 transistors and ran at clock rates from 2 to 3.1 MHz. A very popular chip, the 8080 was manufactured by more than a dozen companies, including AMD, TI, Toshiba and NEC.

The 8085
In 1976, Intel introduced the 8085, which added serial I/O, a clock (3-6 MHz) and system controller to the 8080 architecture. Used in Radio Shack's TRS-80, the 8085 was also very popular. See 8086, x86 and Altair.

The Intel 8080
The founders of Intel pose with a rubylith of the 8080 CPU in 1978. From left to right: Andy Grove, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. (Image courtesy of Intel Corporation.)