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Definition: hash rate

The number of cryptographic hashes per second (H/s) processed for blockchain mining. A hash rate may refer to computations in a GPU within a computer, an ASIC mining machine or an entire mining network.

For Example: Twenty Exahashes per Second
CleanSpark is one of the top publicly traded North American Bitcoin miners. In January 2022, its hashrate exceeded 2 EH/s. That means the company was rewarded with about 10 bitcoins per day as the combined computations of all its mining machines reached more than two quintillion hashes per second. After expanding its mining operation with more machines, by 2024, CleanSpark reached 15 EH/s, which is 15 quintillion hashes per second. See cryptographic hash function, ASIC miner and space/time.

 Hashes Per Second

 KH/s  Khash/s  Kilo (thousand)

 MH/s  Mhash/s  Mega (million)

 GH/s  Ghash/s  Giga (billion)

 TH/s  Thash/s  Tera (trillion)

 PH/s  Phash/s  Peta (quadrillion)

 EH/s  Ehash/s  Exa  (quintillion)