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Definition: fitness tracker

A wrist-worn device that can detect some combination of walking steps, running distance, heart rate, sleep patterns, swimming laps and other health-related metrics. Fitness bands interact via Bluetooth with an app in a smartphone that configures the device and uploads the wearer's activity data. Most smartwatches support some number of physical actions via a health app; however, dedicated trackers tend to monitor more functions. See smartwatch and smart ring.

Fitbit Surge
An earlier unit from Fitbit, the Surge tracks steps, distance, calories and stairs climbed. It notifies the wearer when a call or text comes in. See Fitbit. (Image courtesy of Google.)

Withings Activite
This stylish Swiss-made watch from Withings sends steps, laps, run time and sleep patterns to the user's smartphone. A gentle vibration provides a wake-up alarm. (Image courtesy of Withings S.A.)

The Blood Pressure Doctor
YHE's BP Doctor Pro smartwatch actually takes a person's blood pressure by pumping the patented watchband with air. It also tracks the user's workout and heart rate along with sleep analysis and more. (Image courtesy of YHE Technology).

A Lot of Trackers
In 2015, Under Armour debuted UA Record, an app that pairs with all these brands and imports the data from the user's accounts. UA Record is an evolution of the MapMyFitness platform, which Under Armour acquired in 2013.