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Definition: drawing program

A graphics program used for creating illustrations. It maintains an image in vector graphics format, which allows all elements of the picture to be isolated, moved and scaled independent of the others.

Drawing programs and CAD programs are similar; however, drawing programs usually provide a large number of special effects for fancy illustrations, while CAD programs provide precise dimensioning and positioning of each graphic element in order that the objects can be transferred to other systems for engineering analysis and manufacturing. Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW are popular drawing programs. Contrast with paint program. See graphics and diagramming program.

Drawing vs. Painting
Although more painting tools are added to drawing programs and more drawing tools are added to paint programs, their inherent structure is entirely different. Drawing programs (vector graphics) allow for the creation of objects that can be manipulated independently. Paint programs (bitmapped graphics) provide a canvas that can be covered with electronic paint.