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Definition: digital perfection

The unique distinction between digital and analog processing. Because everything digital is a zero or one, all forms of data are stored and transmitted without loss. See analog, digital and binary.

Is It Always Perfect?
When a digital device makes an error, its own circuitry generally catches it. Quintillions of digital pulses (bits) open and close all day long in a company. Every smartphone, even at idle, moves millions of bits around, and people take this all for granted. However, out of the countless bits floating around the world, there are occasional blips that stop the operation. See skintillion.

A Giant Copy Machine
The electronic world we live in is a giant machine copying bits from one place to another without error. When turned on, every device with a computer chip constantly copies signals internally. We see something on our monitor because it was copied from memory to the screen. Traversing any network is copying bits from memory to the network and copying bits from the network to memory at the other end. The electronic world is a giant digital copy machine!