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Definition: Windows requirements

Windows and Windows applications place huge demands on a PC. A fast graphics card is as important as a fast CPU. In addition, to get more utility and enjoyment from desktop computing, purchase the largest monitor that fits your budget. Following are the recommended requirements. See how to select a PC monitor and dual monitor.

 Well-Equipped Configuration
 For General Business Use

 OS           Windows 11 Pro
 CPU          Intel i5 or equivalent
 Expansion    PCI Express, USB 3.0
 RAM          8GB
 Storage      2TB (SATA SSD)
 Optical      16x Blu-ray/DVD
 Screen       28" (3840x2160)

 Well-Equipped Configuration
 For CAD, Imaging and
 Desktop Publishing

 OS           Windows 11 Pro
 CPU          Intel i7 or equivalent
 Expansion    PCI Express, USB 3.0
 RAM          32GB
 Storage      4TB (NVMe SSD)
 Optical      16x Blu-ray/DVD
 Screen       32" (3840x2160)