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Definition: Windows Vista versions

Following are the client versions of Windows Vista. Except for Starter 2007, all Vistas are available in 32- and 64-bit versions. See Windows Vista.

Vista Starter 2007
A 32-bit version for PCs outside the U.S. No support for the Aero interface, and only three concurrent applications can run at once.

Vista Home Basic
Supports 8GB memory, but not the Aero interface.

Vista Home Premium
Supports 16GB memory and Aero interface. Includes the Media Center interface introduced with XP. See Windows Media Center.

Vista Business
Supports 128GB memory. Includes IIS Web server, Remote Desktop, backup utility and support for dual processors.

Vista Enterprise
Same as Vista Business plus BitLocker encryption, limited virtualization (Virtual PC Express) and Subsystem for Unix Applications (SUA).

Vista Ultimate
For PC enthusiasts. Combines Home Premium and Enterprise versions plus support for podcasting and advanced gaming.