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Definition: Linux Foundation

(Linux Foundation, San Francisco, CA) A membership association devoted to fostering the Linux operating system. Sponsored by major hardware and open source vendors, it was formed by merging the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and Free Standards Group (FSG) in 2007, both of which were dedicated to Linux and open source software. See Linux.

Open Source Development Labs (OSDL)
The OSDL was founded in 2000 to provide technical support for Linux developers, giving them access to a variety of high-end hardware to test products. In 2003, Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, joined the OSDL to continue his development work on the Linux kernel.

Free Standards Group (FSG)
The FSG was founded in 2000 to regulate interface and internationalization standards for Linux. The Linux Foundation supports the Linux Standard Base (see LSB) and OpenI18N internationalization (see OpenI18N).