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Definition: Netflix

The world's largest video streaming service from Netflix, Inc., Los Gatos, CA. At the beginning of 2021, Netflix claimed nearly 200 million streaming subscribers worldwide.

Founded in 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings, Netflix started out as a DVD rental company, later adding Blu-ray discs. By 2017, it shipped its billionth disc; however, the physical rental service ended in late 2023. Obviously, the demise of physical rentals was part of Netflix's long-term strategy because Netflix means "flicks over the Internet." Dating back to the 1920s, "flick" is slang for "film." See Hulu, VUDU, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, smart TV and Netflix hardware.

Netflix Password Sharing
In the past, Netflix allowed subscribers to share their Netflix accounts with friends and family members in other households. In 2023, Netflix announced it would no longer support password sharing, and people in other locations would have to pay a monthly fee for the streaming service.