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Definition: Microsoft Tag

A two-dimensional barcode used for mobile tagging. Microsoft Tag is a four-color variation of Microsoft's "High-Capacity Color Barcode" (HCCB), which uses eight colored triangles to provide a capacity of approximately 3,500 alphabetic characters per square inch. The barcodes can also be read in low light and even when the image is blurred. Like other mobile tagging systems, apps are available for popular smartphones.

Triangles and Circles
The basic tag is composed of color triangles, but a custom tag using color dots allows a logo to occupy the entire background (see below). See barcode and mobile tagging.

Normal and Custom
Both of these Microsoft Tags contain the URL of the Computer Language Company (CLC). The triangle tag (top) is the regular format, but the dot version (bottom) enables the CLC company logo to occupy the entire background.

Snap the Tag - Get the Info
Using the Microsoft Tag reader app in the iPhone, snapping the Microsoft Tag on this Canon printer in the showroom immediately retrieved a summary of its features.