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Definition: GS1

(Global Standards 1) An international standards organization with member bodies in more than 100 countries worldwide (GS1 US, GS1 CANADA, GS1 FRANCE, etc.). GS1 manages the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) system, which identifies companies and their products and services as used in UPC, EAN and other barcodes, as well as in the electronic product codes (EPCs) for RFID tags (see EPCglobal).

GS1 Started With Barcodes
GS1 dates back to 1977 when the European Article Numbering Association (EAN) was founded in Brussels and the EAN-13 product code was developed. EAN-13 was always compatible with the UPC codes created by the Uniform Product Code Council (UCC), and in 2002, EAN and UCC merged and later changed its name to GS1.