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Definition: EBCDIC chart

The following lists the EBCDIC character set and its hexadecimal representation. Not all of the 256 possible combinations of the byte are used.

 00  Null
 01  Start of heading
 02  Start of text
 03  End of text
 04  Punch off
 05  Horizontal tab
 06  Lower case
 07  Delete
 08  Graphic escape
 09  Superscript
 0A  Start of manual message
 0B  Vertical tab
 0C  Form feed
 0D  Carriage return
 0E  Shift out
 0F  Shift in
 10  Data link escape
 11  Device control 1
 12  Device control 2
 13  Tape mark
 14  Restore
 15  New line
 16  Backspace
 17  Idle
 18  Cancel
 19  End of medium
 1A  Cursor control
 1B  Customer use 1
 1C  Interchange file separator
 1D  Interchange group separator
 1E  Interchange record separator
 1F  Interchange unit separator
 20  Digit select
 21  Start of significance
 22  Field separator
 23  unassigned
 24  Bypass
 25  Line feed
 26  End of transmission block
 27  Escape
 28-29  unassigned
 2A  Set mode
 2B  Customer use 2
 2C  unassigned
 2D  Enquiry
 2E  Acknowledge
 2F  Bell
 30-31  unassigned
 32  Synchronous idle
 33  unassigned
 34  Punch on
 35  Reader stop
 36  Upper case
 37  End of transmission
 38-3A  unassigned
 3B  Customer use 3
 3C  Device control 4
 3D  NAK
 3E  unassigned
 3F  Substitute
 40  Space
 41-49  unassigned
 4A  Cent sign
 4B  .
 4C  <
 4D  (
 4E  +
 4F  Logical OR
 50  &
 51-59  unassigned
 5A  !
 5B  $
 5C  *
 5D  )
 5E  ;
 5F  Logical NOT
 60  -
 61  /
 62-69  unassigned
 6A  |
 6B  ,
 6C  %
 6D  _
 6E  >
 6F  ?
 70-79  unassigned
 79  `
 7A  :
 7B  #
 7C  @
 7D  '
 7E  =
 7F  "
 80  unassigned
 81  a
 82  b
 83  c
 84  d
 85  e
 86  f
 87  g
 88  h
 89  i
 8A-90  unassigned
 91  j
 92  k
 93  l
 94  m
 95  n
 96  o
 97  p
 98  q
 99  r
 9A-A0  unassigned
 A1  Spanish tilde
 A2  s
 A3  t
 A4  u
 A5  v
 A6  w
 A7  x
 A8  y
 A9  z
 AA-B8  unassigned
 B9  `
 BA-BF  unassigned
 C0  {
 C1  A
 C2  B
 C3  C
 C4  D
 C5  E
 C6  F
 C7  G
 C8  H
 C9  I
 CA-CF  unassigned
 D0  }
 D1  J
 D2  K
 D3  L
 D4  M
 D5  N
 D6  O
 D7  P
 D8  Q
 D9  R
 DA-DF  unassigned
 E0  \
 E1  unassigned
 E2  S
 E3  T
 E4  U
 E5  V
 E6  W
 E7  X
 E8  Y
 E9  Z
 EA-EF  unassigned
 F0  0
 F1  1
 F2  2
 F3  3
 F4  4
 F5  5
 F6  6
 F7  7
 F8  8
 F9  9
 FA-FF  unassigned