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Definition: CTR

(1) See click-through rate.

(2) (Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company) The company that became IBM in 1924. CTR was created in 1911 by a merger of The Tabulating Machine Company (Hollerith's punch card company in Washington, DC), International Time Recording Company (time clock maker in NY state), Computing Scale Company (maker of scales and food slicers in Dayton, Ohio), and Bundy Manufacturing (time clock maker in Auburn, NY). CTR started out with 1,200 employees and a capital value of
$17.5 million. See IBM, Hollerith machine and punch card.

IBM Office, London, 1930s
The electric meat choppers and coffee cutters (window signs) were soon to be dispensed with in favor of punch cards, which made IBM a huge success. IBM became an international enterprise in the late 1930s. (Image courtesy of IBM.)