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Definition: The Computer Glossary

The first title of this encyclopedia, which is the longest-running tech reference on the market. First published in 1981, the 9th Edition in 2001 was the last book with the glossary title. The book evolved into Computer Desktop Encyclopedia (CDE), and floppy disk and CD-ROM versions became available under CDE and Electronic Computer Glossary branding. On more than 25 websites, the content was known as TechEncyclopedia, ZDNet Dictionary, PCMag.com Encyclopedia and mostly just plain Encyclopedia. You might say we did a terrible job with branding, and you would be correct. See About this encyclopedia.

McGraw Hill Bookstore
In the late 1980s, The Computer Glossary was featured in the technology section of the McGraw-Hill bookstore in New York's Rockefeller Center. The kiosk ran the floppy disk version, which was also available for sale. Sadly, this venerable bookstore closed in 2002 due to online competition.