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Definition: Coda

(1) A Web-based document creation and collaboration system that supports a customizable hierarchy of pages and subpages. Combining features of word processing and spreadsheets, Coda provides a huge number of editing and data manipulation features. A variety of templates are also provided. "Packs" are connectors in Coda that tie in commonly used apps. For example, after editing a document, it can be sent to a list of email addresses by clicking an icon. "Automations" trigger events such as after changes are made or due to time of day.

(2) A distributed file system developed at Carnegie Mellon University in the late 1980s. Evolving from the Andrews File System, Coda is noted for its ability to withstand network failures. See AFS.

(3) Web development software for the Mac from Panic. Coda included SubEthaEdit, a collaborative, real-time editor, and the Transmit Turbo file transfer utility. Coda was superseded by Nova, a more comprehensive system. See Nova.

(4) A software company based in the U.K. that produced financial software for a multi-currency, multi-lingual environment. Founded in 1979, Coda was acquired by Netherlands-based Unit4 in 2008, which rebranded the software as Unit4 Financials.

(5) Earlier Web authoring software from RandomNoise, Inc., San Francisco, CA. It was used to generate very sophisticated websites that were built in Java rather than HTML codes. Coda itself was written in Java.