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Definition: Amazon brands

Amazon sells many products under its own brand names. For example, AmazonBasics provides office supplies and tech products. Pinzon and Solimo are labels for home goods. Amazon Elements offers domestic products such as baby wipes, and Wag is a brand of dog food. Mama Bear sells diapers and other baby products, while Presto! is a laundry detergent.

Mae, 206 Collective, Goodthreads, Core 10 and Amazon Essentials are lines of clothing. Wickedly Prime and Happy Belly are lines of snack foods, and 365 is a Whole Foods brand (Whole Foods Market is a chain of more than 500 supermarkets in the U.S., Canada and U.K. that specializes in organic groceries, which Amazon acquired in 2017). See Amazon.com.

An Amazon UPS
This uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is offered by Amazon under its own label. Amazon has a huge number of branded products.