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Definition: APP file

An application in the Mac, also known as an application "package" or "bundle." Although files with an .app extension appear to be single files, they are actually a hierarchy of files and folders that contain an executable program, additional software modules, as well as any data required for execution.

IPA Extension for Mobile Apps
Apple's iPhone (iOS) apps may also use the APP package if it was developed for ARM hardware rather than Intel. However, the IPA (IPhone App) extension is the official extension for iOS and iPadOS executables. With the IPA client installed on a Mac with Apple silicon, the Mac can also run IPA applications. See application folder.

Mac Utilities
Here are some utility apps that come with Macs. For example, Grab.app is a screen capture tool, and Migration Assistant.app copies files to another computer.

Inside the Grab App Package
Grab.app is actually a Contents folder that contains these files and folders. Right clicking an .app file and selecting Show Package Contents reveals the hierarchy.

An App Can Be This Complex
The entire hierarchy of the Firefox browser application (firefox.app) is expanded to show how elaborate the contents of an APP package can actually be.