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Definition: AI processing methods

Although neural networks and GPTs have claimed the AI spotlight, there have been several other approaches to developing highly intelligent systems as follows. See AI and machine learning.

Expert System
The first AI, which follows rules defined by a human expert.

Rule-Based System
Relies on user-defined rules.

Symbolic AI
Uses traditional programming.

Decision Tree
Hierarchical tree models used for predictive text.

Support Vector Machine (SVM)
A supervised learning method used to classify text. SVM is a regression algorithm that uses one of several kernels.

Genetic Algorithms
Algorithms based on natural selection.

Bayesian Network
A statistical model used for probabilistic inference.

Reinforcement Learning
A trial-and-error approach to machine learning (ML).

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
A regression algorithm, KNN predicts output based on finding examples close to test example.

Swarm Intelligence
Optimization algorithms based on the behavior of animal colonies.