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Definition: cellular network extender

A device that extends a cellular signal in a car or building. A cellular network extender amplifies the carrier's radio frequency (RF) signals for better voice reception and data throughput.

SureCall Extender
This TriFlex-V extender covers up to 6,000 square feet in a home or office and comes with two antennas (one indoor and one outdoor) that are cabled to the unit. (Image courtesy of SureCall.)

The 5Barz Cellular Extender
This unit covers 4,000 square feet without an external antenna, and thousands have been installed in India. Due to COVID and supply chain issues, 5Barz ceased operations in 2020; however, the knowledge gained developing the extender was transferred to Cubera, which powers the crypto-based Cirus router (see Cirus platform). (Image courtesy of 5BARz International Inc.)