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Definition: Bitcoin block explorer

A Bitcoin block explorer shows Bitcoin transactions occurring in real time as well as the history of transactions starting with the first block. Bitcoin miners and validators use block explorer statistics to stay informed and adjust settings. There are typically a dozen or more active block explorers for Bitcoin, many of which provide unique information.

The Block Height in Early 2022
Note that in both examples below, the block height is roughly 725,000, which represents about a billion transactions added to the Bitcoin blockchain since its inception in 2009. See Bitcoin, crypto glossary and crypto stats.

Bitcoin Explorer
The right column in this Bitcoin Explorer example shows the names of the miners that executed the transactions. For more information, visit https://bitcoinexplorer.org.

This bar chart shows the coin distribution on the Bitcoin blockchain. Only four addresses have more than 100,000 coins, each of which was worth more than $1 billion as of early 2022. Nearly a billion addresses have no balance at all. For more information, visit https://bitaps.com.